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The bird that topped the Colorado Green Big Year record

17 December 2021

On Tuesday, December 14th, Steve Barlow found a female Black-and-white Warbler at Wheat Ridge Greenbelt in well, Wheat Ridge. Of course I had three full days of meetings and calls and there was no way I could go for the bird until Friday the 17th. I saw regular reports of the bird in the same area, and a little to the west over those 3 days. It turns out there is a second Black-and-white, a boldly marked male, to the west of the female most of us were chasing. Anyway, I was hopeful it'd stick another day in spite of some chilly night time temperatures. 

I got up on Friday and it was about 16 degrees. I decided to wait until it was in the mid-20's before I headed out. As I'm hoping to get word about the bird being present, I get a text from none other than Thomas Heinrich with a message about the bird being there and "where are YOU?!" Thomas knew I was going for it on Friday morning, but he didn't tell me he was going to leave at 4:15 am on his bike from Boulder to meet me there to get the bird together and celebrate my breaking his 2020 Green Big Year total of 281 species! Shame on me! I have done some big rides this year, put on a lot of miles, and ridden in the cold and dark, but Thomas put me to shame again. He left Boulder a couple hours before light and it was probably only 14 degrees! That's hard core. In the end, I got there way too late to catch Thomas. Major bummer! 

Anyway, I get to the spot in just over an hour, which is pretty good time from my house. I knew at least one friend was going to be there to help me find the bird. Turns out a few folks were there and I got the bird within just a couple minutes. The Black-and-white was really cooperative. See my digibin photos below. Yes, I took those shots with my phone through my binoculars!

The female Black-and White!

It was really exhilarating getting #282, seeing it with some friends, and eating a bunch of Girl Scout cookies. Then some other good folks, Timo and Lindsey, showed up and we all caught up for a while. A dipper also dropped in and foraged and sang a little, which was a real treat! It was a really nice cap to the day and the year. Seeing birds, hanging out with friends, and having a good time birding is what makes this that much more special.

I honestly never thought 275 species was possible this year, and I never really thought I could tie or top Thomas's 281, but it was always in the back of my mind as a distant, seemingly unattainable goal. This year has been about honoring Joe Roller and raising funds for the new Joe Roller Memorial Grant through Colorado Field Ornithologist, and not targeting a species goal. But topping Thomas's 281 happened too. What a special year for sure. I've had so much Joe luck this year!  In the end, getting to 282 was just icing on the cake (did someone say cake? Yum! I'll take a few pieces!).   

It was a little bit of a downer though since Thomas had put in a huge effort to meet me for the bird and that just didn't work out. What a class act though! I'm ever humbled and inspired by his green birding and support. We plan to get lunch after the new year, celebrate our respective green birding years, and scheme on what we can do in the future. 

A rare selfish with Ginny and Rob after getting the warbler.
I'm not a selfie taker, but we needed to document #282!

Not just my old bike, but I put on brand new tires! I really needed to put on new tires as it was, but I clipped a rock on the way home from the Wood Thrush and I think that's what likely gashed my tire (yet it didn't blow out somehow). That was some Joe luck. I rode at least 3000 miles on my old set of tires. I'm not exactly sure when I put those tires on, but it could be upwards of 4000+ miles. And I have had only had 2 flats this year, with my first not happening until early November! I rode those tires HARD, including a 100+ miles of gravel and dirt, which I shouldn't do.

Yes, I ate most of a pizza when I got home! Here's to Joe.

Green Big Year species list: 282 (as of Dec 17)
2021 Joe Roller Memorial Green Big Year Species List

Pledge or donate here to the new Joe Roller Memorial Grant. Thank you.

Thanks for reading!


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